HEALTH: Once you understand
that whatever you decide, somebody will
advise you strongly against that course of action to take, you
discover that you should be true to yourself. However what you
facing is so far-reaching that you will need to go deep within
connect with the portion of your nature that can make such
with clarity.
LUCK: You have superb instinct
about when others should be left to
deal with their own dramas and when to interfere. Although you
feel you
should sidestep several rather tricky situations, you are urged
to get
involved when the need arises and in a timely fashion. This is
not much
because you will be able to assist; rather what you learn will
be hugely
useful when you have swift and tricky decisions to make in the
very near
MONEY: If you are being pulled
in several directions, it is no
surprise; once you would have known instantly how to respond to
very complex situations. Between far-reaching changes in
and your own shifting perspective, you are less confident.
Actually that
is good as it means you will explore options you would have
missed as
unrealistic. At one time, they may have been, as you learn more
them, ultimately you will realize they could be both appealing
rewarding in the end.
ROMANCE: There is no denying
that certain individuals or events are
deeply touching. But it is not easy to appreciate them when so
much is
unsettling. Do not try to wish that chaos disappeared into thin
While some are triggered by emotional instability, the rest are
part of
a dramatic and ultimately amazing series of developments that
will quite
simply transform your relationship and life.