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 Пими ® » Monthly Chinese Horoscope

Rat May 2011

HEALTH: Usually, your ability to respond swiftly - even to challenging situations is a virtue. However with grave activity during this period, shaking up elements of your health, adding certain confusion to your routine life, hasty action is unwise. Instead delve into the source of problems, past and present, and you may perhaps spot self-sabotaging habits and beliefs. These insights prepare you for the amazing cycle of improvements in the coming weeks ahead.

LUCK: Ordinarily you easily overcome obstacles, especially those that involve pointless rules or people you do not respect. But you are not likely to be successful; the actual situations involved during this period are in transition. Furthermore with more management changes ahead and likely to cause certain confusion, what seems your best option could soon be revealed as unwise. Forget the struggles and instead keep things loose and simple for the time being.

MONEY: It is understandable that you would like to deal with recent developments, some of which seem urgent. If you have already tried to organize things, you will have realized the actual situations in question remain too unsettled to make any but the loosest of arrangements. This has as much to do with your shifting priorities as continuing changes. You will soon recognize that at this stage, plans really must be considered to be tentative.

ROMANCE: Being so attuned to relationships of all varieties, you will be somewhat shocked to discover that you have not noticed various crises among those closest to you and neither do they. Hoping they will sort themselves out or putting them off will only complicate matters. Few things are sometimes more difficult than upsetting those you are close to. However certain issues must be discussed now, as they will only become more troublesome later.
Monthly Chinese Horoscope (03.05.2011)
R: 1279
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