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 Пими ® » Monthly Chinese Horoscope

Tiger May 2011

HEALTH: Some life-changing events are hugely disruptive yet easily accommodated. Those triggered by the recent development of new medical improvements are far subtler. What is more, they are making advances during the period of unsettling changes. Help others deal with events as usual. When it comes to your own life and health, however ignore even sage advice and go within. Reconnecting with your inner wisdom is what the new and profoundly enlightening cycle is all about.

LUCK: Whatever you do, you are unlikely to win battles with those in authority or over rules and regulations. Acknowledge that and instead of wasting time haggling, you will focus on other more important matters. These are as dramatic but each is providing another clue to the form of your future life or career. While revolutionizing elements of your lifestyle has not been part of your plan, now there is little question that is exactly what you should do.

MONEY: Waste no time on being annoyed with unfair situations or disappointed by certain individuals. Talk issues over in depth, no doubt raising them is not going to be easy and getting everything out on the table could take time. It is worth the effort because you are actually discussing things frankly and you are likely to discover the roots of the problems. Ultimately you will begin talking about future plans that look more promising than until recently you could have imagined possible.

ROMANCE: Having elements of your life rearranged is hardly your idea of fun. However many of the issues facing you are not new. You do hope that with time and stubborn determination, you could ride things out. Not only are changes inevitable, you will discover that your resistance was actually holding you back. Knowing that, try to view what you have been battling in a more charitable light.
Monthly Chinese Horoscope (02.05.2011)
R: 1297
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