HEALTH: When talking to those
you care about, you always speak from
the heart. However you dislike being as open with the rest of
the world.
Yet if you do not convey your views about certain matters with
it will be assumed that you do not particularly care, which is
not the case. Challenging and often uncomfortable as this
may be, what you learn about others, circumstances and yourself
make it
seriously worthwhile.
LUCK: There is no denying that
developments are unsettling and will
continue to be for sometime. Still be wary of over dramatizing
others are struggling with changes as much as you are. Aim
instead to
achieve and maintain a calm atmosphere that enables you to
events rationally and find ways to accommodate even the most
twists and turns.
MONEY: Tedious as the
seemingly endless practical matters and issues
involving joint ventures you are dealing with may be, you will
soon be
relieved they are out of the way. You may already sense the
changes in
circumstances, triggered by certain party's return to access
financial resources. It is understandable that others are
you to turn exciting ideas into more concrete arrangements, but
you are
wary. Your instincts are correctly telling you something better
approaching. Until then, ruthlessly clear clutter from the past,
so when
the moment arrives, you can respond swiftly and passionately.
ROMANCE: While you enjoy a
relaxed conversation with loved ones or
partner, you dread those of a serious nature. Yet if you do not
certain issues now, misunderstandings could lead to problems.
Worse it
could create difficulties when dealing with the exciting
offers currently under consideration. If in doubt, say yes now
and deal
with the details later.